About RRF
Building skills for healthy, lasting relationships makes a significant difference in the well-being of children, family, co-workers, church, and community.
Relationship Research Foundation (RRF) is a non-profit organization 501(c)(3) that provides skills-based relationship education programs, facilitator trainings, and public awareness campaigns, all toward the mission of helping others through relationship education. Founded in 2000, we have served more than 20,000 participants, resulting in hundreds of saved marriages and intact two-parent families.
CoupleTalk®, Love for Life, and The Third Option are three of the programs supported and funded by RRF.
Meet the RRF Leaders
Don and Alex Flecky have been teaching couples communication skills for over 35 years. They have taught thousands of couples on six continents, and are the authors of two healthy relationship programs, CoupleTalk (www.coupletalk.com), a video-based communication and conflict resolution program for couples, and Love for Life, a Christian marriage preparation program. They are certified to teach a number of other programs, such as Relationship Enhancement, Mastering the Mysteries of Love, World Class Marriage, PAIRS and The Third Option. Together they have also developed a distance coaching program (phone/webcam) for qualifying programs.
Don is a licensed Christian minister (EFCA), and has a pastoral counseling practice. He is a certified Symbis Assessment facilitator, is certified in How We Love couples therapy, and has completed Gottman couples therapy training (Levels 1 & 2).
Alex taught speech and interpersonal communication at California State University at Fullerton (CSUF) for over 25 years and holds an MA in Speech Communication from CSUF. Alex has also created a pioneering email and cell phone “reminder” program, to help participants “bring the skills home.” Don & Alex have been married for over 40 years!